SDSM: Gruevski is obsessed with us, he is forcing the media orchestra

In a statement to the public, the opposition SDSM said that Gruevski is scared of the solutions he has to agree with the opposition for releasing areas for which there is strong criticism in the report of Priebe: the media, the judiciary, regulatory bodies, such as the Anti-Corruption Commission, Public Security Bureau, SEC, PRO.

-It is indicated by today’s interview of Gruevski for the pro-government portal “Netpress” in anticipation of the commencement of talks on adjustments in society he occupied, and under whose scrutiny will find its illegal and criminal rule and getting elections. Obviously, after signing the agreement of Przhino for resignation, transitional government, early elections, which he denied, Nikola Gruevski cannot get peace. So, in the last few days, he forces the media orchestra with created lies for SDSM and therefore in every second sentence in today’s interview he obsessive mentions Social Democrats – reads the statement of SDSM.

They say that the agreement of Przhino must be implemented as the recommendations of the European expert group led by Reinhard Priebe must be implemented as well.