Reports flood into “Civil” of violations of the pre-election silence and pressure on voters

Civil organization “Civil” has reported that since the start of the pre-election silence until 14:00 pm today, they have had about thirty reports from election observers, as well as dozens of applications from citizens of violations of the pre-election silence and pressure on voters.

“Employees from a Skopje municipality are currently organizing calls to voters and are agitating and pressuring voters. The same remarks are coming from an observer from Matejche village in the municipality of Lipkovo, where violations of the electoral silence are occurring from two political parties in this village. During the pre-election silence in the neighbourhood of Madzari in Skopje, printed material has appeared in an attempt to blacken the opposition leader Zoran Zaev. The printed material says that the opposition leader will canton Macedonia”, said “Civil” in a statement.

They added that the Podares village in the municipality of Radovis, there has been ongoing road construction which is a violation of the electoral silence. The same situation was noted in Miravci village in the municipality of Gevgelija. In Novo Lisice again, VMRO-DPMNE flags appeared on poles at the height of the pre-election silence.

“Civil” again calls on all actors in the electoral process to stop pressure on voters and citizens to report irregularities, pressure and bribes.