MPs will vote today on Janeva’s budget

MPs at today’s Parliamentary session will have to approve the budget for the Special Public Prosecutor, Katica Janeva, so she can actually begin to work.

The Funds amount to 63,420,428 denars, or approximately one million euros for the last quarter of 2015,  as indicated in the decision, are designed for continuous operations and autonomous operations of the Public Prosecution for offences related, and which arose from the contents of the illegal interception of communications.

The decision of the Government proposes a conversion of funds to correspond within the planned funds for the budget of the Republic of Macedonia for 2015, to provide funds for the implementation of the budget of the Public Prosecution and related offences stemming from the illicit content from the intercepted communications.

The funding for the Special prosecutions Office work, were passed and approved on Friday by the State Finance and Budget Legislative Committee.

Before the budget can be officially approved in Parliament, it has to be reviewed by the Government and the Council of Public Prosecutors. The Council gave the green light despite some Council members who complained that Prosecutors in Macedonia were working under extremely difficult conditions and with small budgets.

In the beginning, the Council approved only 7 of the 14 Assistant Prosecutors Katica Janeva had requested.