Most of the budget is spent on pensions and health services

The report on the supplementary budget states that the largest share in the structure of current expenditures (87.6 billion denars) from the budget for the period from January to June this year were transfers for which at this time 56.7 billion denars were disbursed.

– Government liabilities based on the fulfillment of the rights to guaranteed social protection are regularly settled, for which 3.7 billion were realized. Most of these assets are cash benefits for vulnerable groups, as well as fees based on child and parental benefit. For regular payment of pensions 22.4 billion are allocated, and for financing of health services and benefits 11.5 billion are disbursed. For the payment of financial compensation in the event of unemployment and active employment measures 595 million are allocated. From the budget of the Republic of Macedonia for the municipalities 7.3 billion denars are transferred as block grants to finance the transferred responsibilities, as well as earmarked grants for financing the costs of local public institutions. Also 866 million were transferred from income generated from the value added tax. For subsidies for agriculture in the analyzed period were paid in total of 4.3 billion denars – the report says.

The Government yesterday adopted the supplementary budget for 2015, and according to Vice PM and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski, it is about change which is not large in volume and which involves moving the positions where necessary in accordance with the policies, measures and projects of the Government, but stressed that at the same time basic macroeconomic parameters were not displaced.
