Pelagonija is under water, embankments of river Crna caved

Fruitful Pelagonija field is under water, river Crna has reached the level of 4.70 meters. At the places where the bed of the river has not been cleaned for decades, it is overflowing and causing great damage.

After the heavy rainfall in Bitola part of Pelagonija, where up to 50 liters per m2 fell, over 3,000 hectares of fruitful land were flooded.

Water entered the farms and reached the first houses in the village Vasharejca.

Livestock from several villages is moved to safer locations. The situation in the Municipality of Mogila is most critical, where the tenth channel broke last week, because now the ninth channel broke as well, and river Crna spilled at few places.
-River Crna overflowed at several places where there were sandbags and embankments were made. The water took everything. The situation is extremely worrying. In villages Vasharejca, Novoselani, Noshpal and Pribilci, population is alert as water not only threatens the stables, but also the first houses near river Crna – says Dimche Joshevski, head of the Directorate for Protection and Rescue in Bitola.

Level of river Crna is growing by the hour and for more than ten centimeters. The situation is alarming in Novaci part as well, warned local authorities.

-Situation in Pelagonija, which is under our municipality, is worrying, especially in the villages Gneotino, Dobromiri, Aglarci and Dolgobevci, where we already put embankments and pads. The water level of the river Crna is monitored hourly and it is increasing, because the rain won’t stop. It is good that we have machinery and act promptly – says Lazar Kotevski, Mayor of the Municipality of Novaci.