Zurich did not confirm the incident with the government plane

“At present, the Federal Office for Civil Aviation (FOCA) has no information of an incident or any additional information. Also, we do not know whether it was an actual emergency landing or landing due to security reasons”, FOCA replied to the question of META if they have any details of the forced landing of the plane in Zurich and whether and who gave the plane approval to fly for service to Nürnberg.

ScreenshotBAnswer received from the authorities in Zurich

According to experts, this information does not necessarily mean that nothing happened to the government plane, but only refers to the different interpretation of the term “incident”.

The government delegation led by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski that was returning from Strasbourg, was forced to land in Zurich, reported “Telma” yesterday.

– According to preliminary information, I can confirm that in returning from Strasbourg, a defect occurred in flight of the plane, with which Prime Minister Gruevski and his associates flying, after which the plane was forced to land in Zurich. According to my information, the passengers on board say they heard loud and penetrating sound, which later led to the disruption of the internal pressure and the pilot immediately tried to reduce the height to try to reduce the pressure and, according to the protocol for such situations, the plane landed at the nearest airport – said government spokesman Aleksandar Gjorgjiev.

He added that all passengers are well and that competent authorities should take all procedural actions to establish the facts.

– Prime Minister Gruevski and all passengers on board are feeling well, and the plane is being repaired in Nürnberg – stated government spokesman.