Zaev with a new “bomb”: Here’s how Gruevski rigged tenders and broke laws

“We promised that we will publish the whole truth about the crime against our people. Everybody knows and we showed the extent of Nikola Gruevski’s dishonesty. He formed offshore companies for his own interests. Today we are witnessing the cruel truth that all these years he abused laws. You will see how he rigged tenders, broke laws, how he distributed tenders for railway and the highways,” said SDSM leader Zoran Zaev at today’s press conference.

In the first published conversation between Nikola Gruevski and Vlatko Chingovski, Director of REK Bitola, they negotiate rigging of tender for coal mining.

In the conversation, Gruevski tells Chingovski that he met “the man from Kratovo” and one who has a car “Seat Ibiza” to help “where it is needed”. Gruevski suggests he to organize it and it is clear why “the man from Kratovo” is important. It also says that he and the one with the car have good cooperation and it wouldn’t be bad to trick him.

In the second conversation, according to Zaev, it is heard as Gruevski rigs a tender for the railway track Kumanovo – Beljakovce.

In the audio recording is heard conversation between Prime Minister and Minister of Transport and Communications Mile Janakieski, in which they are talking about that tender. Gruevski asks from documentation and suggests to him “Urko to bring it in an envelope.”

In the next published recording, they talk about documentation which Janakieski sent him and speak in codes with the first letters of the countries and which companies have submitted documentation for tenders. They designate the countries with the first letters of the names.