MKD Mickoski: VMRO-DPMNE is almost done with the consultations about the referendum

Mickoski: VMRO-DPMNE is almost done with the consultations about the referendum

During the meeting with NATO’s Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, VMRO-DPMNE’s President, Hristijan Mickoski spoke about the current affairs in the country, the agreements with Greece and the forthcoming referendum, informs the party.

Party sources state that “Mickoski has stressed that VMRO-DPMNE supports the country’s NATO integrations and that the membership in this organization, including the EU accession, are in the country’s strategic interest.”

“Reportedly, he stressed that the agreement with Greece is unacceptable for VMRO-DPMNE and that it is out of its well-known principles. VMRO-DPMNE remains firm in its positions about its non-acceptance. The party thinks that the government should devote its efforts towards improvement of real areas in life that are of essential significance for the citizens, and what is noticeable up to now is the enormous stagnation followed by a large number of affairs and suspicions of misuse. As for the stance about the referendum, VMRO-DPMNE is almost done with the process of broad consultations and during next week the party’s Executive and the Central Committees will hold sessions” said the party’s press release.