MKD Members of Besa have reported firearms shootings in Aračinovo

Members of Besa have reported firearms shootings in Aračinovo

Besa activists have reported to the police that while they were hanging posters in Aračinovo, a golf vehicle stopped nearby and an unknown person has fired a single shot from a gun and has left in an unknown direction.

The activists, as was reported by MoI, have found a capsule that was transferred at a police station in Arachinovo.

MoI has reported that they have taken measures to find the attacker and to clear out the case completely.

Otherwise, MoI also informs that last night, 40 minutes past midnight, at the First of May boulevard in Bitola, a police patrol has intercepted three persons as they were spraying the election billboard of SDSM’s mayoral candidate.

For all of the three were lodged subpoenas.