MKD Macedonian Twitter Calendar combines nude art photography with humanitarian fundraising

Macedonian Twitter Calendar combines nude art photography with humanitarian fundraising

A new edition of the humanitarian initiative Twitter Calendar (#ТвитерКалендар) was promoted on Sunday night in Skopje bar Kotur. The initiative combines fundraising with nude art photography of volunteer members of Macedonian Twitter community.

The author of the Twitter Calendar for 2019 is the photographer Zvonko Plavevski (@Giotto_mkd), while the models involved responded to an open call over the social networks. In line with the tradition observed with previous issue, the funds gathered by selling the glossy hard-copy version will be donated for humanitarian purposes.

A group of activists promoting breast cancer awareness published the first Twitter Calendar in December 2013. The following year, the calendar for 2015, promoted sex education and gender equality.

After a hiatus of one year, Plavevski continued the tradition in December 2016, and published the calendar for 2017. The involved team decided to donate the gathered funds to NGO providing basic necessities like food and clothes to homeless people and families living in extreme poverty.

The models are not paid and remain anonymous unless they reveal their identity on their own. The charitable calendar can be obtained in the Kotur bar or directly from the initiators.