Macedonia Celebrates 25-years of Independence

Today, September the 8th, the Republic of Macedonia celebrates its Independence Day. On this day, in 1991, a referendum was held where the citizens with an overwhelming majority of 95% voted for the country to become an independent and sovereign state, after they were asked in the referendum: “Are you in favour of an independent Macedonia which will have the right to enter future alliances with the sovereign states of Yugoslavia?”

On January 15, 1991, the first ever multi-party in the Parliament of Macedonia adopted the Declaration of Independence.

On November 17, 1991, Parliament adopted a new Constitution of State, which was the next important step in establishing statehood.

The first country to recognize Macedonia as an independent state was the Republic of Bulgaria. On April 8, 1993, by acclamation at the General Assembly of the United Nations, Macedonia was admitted as the 181st fully-fledged member of the UN. However, due to opposition from Greece over the country’s name, the name dispute began and Macedonia was admitted to the United Nations under the provisional name, the ‘Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’ (FYROM).

On the occasion of Macedonia’s Independence Day, a parliamentary delegation, made up of government officials, such as, Ljupco Dimovski, Daniela Rangelova, and Lidija Dimova, today at 11:00 am at the “Woman Warrior Park” will lay flowers at the “Fallen Heroes of Macedonia” monument.