MKD LP: The Law on Languages is invalid

LP: The Law on Languages is invalid

The Liberal Party (LP) believes that the Law on the Use of Languages ​​has been passed without proper procedure and is invalid, explaining that the situation is the way it is, because of the violation of the procedure.

The party says that since the President of the Republic of Macedonia did not sign the decree after the first vote, Parliament had a deadline of 30 days to adopt the amendments and to approve or not pass the law.

“After the deadline, any procedure and activity related to the text disputed by the President is outside of our legal system. After the expiration of the 30 days, the procedure under this law ceases and it can no longer be considered or voted on, therefore the procedure becomes void. If the Constitutional Court wants to protect the constitutional and legal order of the country, it should conclude that the Law on the Use of Languages ​​has been passed without proper procedure and is invalid”, stated the party.

LP believe that there is a need for amending the Law on the Use of Languages, but only after the the Constitutional Court annuls it, and “with calm nerves, greater degree of tolerance and broad consensus, the Parliament should adopt a new law that will be in accordance with procedure and will reflect on all suggestions and warnings from the opposition, and both the Venice Commission and the Council of Europe, and will be the basis for a compact and sustainable society, instead of a divided one. “