MKD Judicial Council of North Macedonia dismisses Judge Sofija Lalichik

Judicial Council of North Macedonia dismisses Judge Sofija Lalichik

Фото: Бојан Блажевски

The Judicial Council voted yesterday to dismiss Judge Sofija Lalichik from the Criminal Court in Skopje, North Macedonia. The decision was reached with 11 votes in favor of and 2 votes against. The explanation for this motion was that Judge Lalichik showed incompetence and exercised malpractice in her work.

Otherwise, Judge Lalichik can be heard in the “bombs” that the then-opposition party SDSM was publishing 6 years ago regarding the partisation of the judiciary. Her voice can be heard in conversation with Sasho Mijalkov who states he has done her a favor and then they are talking about a selection of other judges and purchasing gifts from Swarowski.

In the past period, the Judicial Council dismissed several other judges from their positions. The last to be dismissed was the Supreme Court’s Judge Lidija Nedelkova, and previously from his position at the Supreme Court was dismissed Jovo Vangelovski. Because of misuses of the ACMIS system, Vladimir Panchevski of the Criminal Court and Tatjana Mihajlova, the former Acting President of the Criminal Court in Skopje were also dismissed.