MKD In North Macedonia 453 health workers inoculated in two days

In North Macedonia 453 health workers inoculated in two days

Вакцинацијата против ковид-19 во земјава почна со имунизирање на медицинскиот персонал што директно работи со пациентите со оваа болест. Фото: Арбнора Мемети

In two days, 453 health workers that are working at COVID centers were inoculated against COVID-19, announced the Health Ministry of North Macedonia

“The immunization of the health workers is proceeding without problems and with full capacity at the modular hospital in Skopje where 6 vaccination stations were placed. The personnel is working in two shifts from 8 am until 8 pm, from Monday until Saturday,” said the ministry.

On Wednesday, the first phase of the inoculation of health workers with Pfizer vaccines began at the Clinic for Infectious diseases and in the meantime the registration at the web page is underway as well as the registration through the primary care physician for all citizens above 70. For them, the inoculation will start after the inoculation of the health workers in the first phase. So far, 58. 500 citizens have registered for vaccination on the web site, and through a primary care physician, 32.917 citizens above 70.

Health authorities announced that toward the end of the month, they are expecting a shipment of vaccines from the Chinese producer Sinofarm, from which 200.000 vaccines were purchased.

The Health Ministry informs that North Macedonia has secured 833.000 vaccines through the COVAX facility. The first shipment that will arrive in Macedonia will be AstraZeneca’s, sometime in March. Between 103.200 and 175.000 doses of this vaccine are planned for North Macedonia out of which 35% should arrive during the first half and the remaining during the second half of the year. In the first shipment through the COVAX facility, 18 countries will receive Pfizer vaccines and the countries that have started their own inoculation programs will be excluded.