MKD In a period of four days, 31 persons in North Macedonia have...

In a period of four days, 31 persons in North Macedonia have died from COVID-19

Клиника за инфективни болести и фебрилни состојби - Скопје | Фото: Арбнора Мехмети, Мета.мк

In the last 24 hours, 1.545 tests were conducted and 144 new COVID-19 cases were registered. Also, 97 patients have recovered and 8 people have died – one patient from Kumanovo (aged 48), one from Shtip (aged 65), two patients from Prilep (aged 62 and 83), one patient from Tetovo (aged 69), one from Strumica (aged 39), one from Vinica (aged 63), and a patient from Kichevo (aged 56).

In the last 4 days, the death toll is 31 patients which according to microbiologists and epidemiologists is a concerning number and is very high for Macedonia, whereas throughout the world the mortality rate is dropping. What is also concerning is the fact that the people who are losing the fight with the disease are not elderly people and today’s numbers show that.

The total number of COVID-19 diagnosed in North Macedonia since the outbreak of the epidemic is 16.417 and the number of recovered patients is 13.732. The death toll is 683 and at the moment, the number of active cases is 2.002.