Gruevski: We have a plan for exiting the crisis

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said the government has a plan for exiting the crisis, which provides if anyone violated the law in any way and there is evidence to prove it, that individual would be held responsible in front of the institutions of the state.

– Of course we have a plan for exiting the crisis. The plan is if anyone violated the law in any way and there is evidence to prove it, that individual would be held responsible in front of the institutions of the state. We do not run away from dialogue and conversation. But that conversation cannot be a trade in something that is a violation of the laws of the Republic of Macedonia – said the Prime Minister.

Answering a question from MP Roza Topuzova-Karevska referring to the case of wiretapping, Gruevski said he already has publicly pronounced on these issues and noted that such similar situations of illegal recording and creating phone calls, intrusion in security systems happens many states and that no state is completely immune, but it is important that in this case our security services have uncovered and managed to locate, to find and catch the perpetrators and bring to institutions which established measures and even imprisonment was imposed in one case.

Prime Minister claimed that the majority of citizens will recognize this attempt to threaten the stability of the country, to undermine the stability and someone to profit from that.