Gruevski has confirmed his resignation – he shall step down before January 15

Today, Prime Minister Gruevski announced that he would resign before January 15 in order to fulfill the Przhino Agreement.

“In accordance with the agreement, on 15 January a new government will be elected with a new Prime Minister for the conduct of elections. Of course, before my resignation, VMRO-DPMNE will announce who will be President of the Provisional Government when they have decided. That decision will be publicly promoted by the VMRO-DPMNE  via statement or by press conference”, said the Prime Minister, adding that VMRO-DPMNE has met all its obligations under the Przhino Agreement.

Gruevski’s statement comes ten days before the deadline for the selection of the Interim Prime Minister before the arrival of European Commissioner Johannes Hahn, who two weeks ago wrote a letter to all the signatories of the Przhino Agreement expressing his concern about the missing of deadlines.

Gruevski, however, will not reveal the topic of his talks with Hahn, but added that details of the talks will be revealed after the meeting.

MEPs Richard Howitt, Ivo Vajgl, Edward Kukan, who together with Commissioner Johannes Hahn brokered the Przhino Agreement, and on January 11, will arrive in Macedonia.

Unofficially it is believed that the MEPs, will try to unblock the negotiations over the media, the work of the Inquiry Commission on the wire-tapping scandal, and dialogue on the rule of law and civil society.