Grubi: Whether DUI leaves Government, only Ali Ahmeti can make that decision and no-one else

The next steps of the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) following the withdrawal of its ministers and deputy ministers from government, will be decided by its leader, Ali Ahmeti, and no-one else, said his Head of Office, Artan Grubi.

Grubi’s reaction comes after today’s announcement by the leader of the VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Gruevski, who said that DUI was not leaving Government, but was only replacing its ministers with new staff.

“The next steps of the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) following the withdrawal of ministers and deputy ministers from government, will be decided by its leader, Ali Ahmeti, and no-one else, According to the statute, and the decision of the Presidency, the decision is his alone and no-one else, “Grubi wrote on his Facebook profile.

artan grubi

Gruevski said he did not have a meeting with the DUI leader Ali Ahmeti’s after his decision to withdraw his ministers from Government.

“We have not had a meeting, we may do later on. It is not true that only we and the SDSM stayed in government. As I was informed, the DUI party did not leave the government, but is replacing its staff within the party. Every political party has the right to replace its staff in Government, to offer others, of course they have to meet certain conditions of quality, but anyhow, they have the right to replace staff”, said Gruevski.

The DUI party, late on Thursday night announced that the presidency of the party had decided to withdraw its ministers from Government.

Yesterday, DUI issued a statement in which they clarified their decision, and put emphasis on the recordings of conversations between senior officials of the party which were leaked to the public and the responsibility of their distribution.