Government to rename ELEM, Macedonian Post and MIA and approves the reduction of roaming

At yesterday’s 126th session, the government, among other points, accepted the draft of the Agreement for the further reduction of prices of roaming in the Western Balkans and renamed three state-owned enterprises.

According to the obligations of the Prespa Agreement, the new name of AD Macedonian Information Agency – Skopje in state ownership (MIA) will now be called AD State Media Agency (MIA), the new name of AD Elektrani na Makedonija (ELEM) will be called AD Power Plants of North Macedonia (ESM), and the new name of AD for postal traffic “Macedonian Post” in state ownership – Skopje will be read in AD for postal traffic “Post of North Macedonia” in state ownership Skopje. Therefore, at least in the abbreviation of the former Electric Power Company of Macedonia (ESM), which was divided into three companies, ie the current EVN, MEPSO and ELEM, will be returned.

The government yesterday also adopted the Report of all matters negotiated and accepted the synchronized text of the Agreement on Reducing Mobile Roaming Services for mobile users from the region in the Western Balkans and authorized Minister of Information Society and Administration Damjan Mancevski to sign the agreement.

The Government’s Office decided yesterday to start developing a Strategy for Transparency of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia in order to increase the trust of the citizens in the institutions of the system through systematic improvement of the transparency and openness of the state institutions.