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Government of North Macedonia adopts “Europe at Home” agenda on implementation of EU standards in the domestic legislation

Агенда Европа дома фото: Влада на РСМ

The “Agenda: Europe at Home” document that was adopted at yesterday’s government session was prepared by the joint groups of the Republic of North Macedonia (RNM) and the EU. Those groups were formed on the basis of the Agreement for Stabilization and Association and the EC’s recommendations. In the implementation of these European reforms, the RNM will also have to meet the recommendations provided by the Council of Europe, the Venice Commission, GRECO, the reports and recommendations of the group of experts, the evaluation missions and international reports.

This was stressed during the joint press conference of the Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and the Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Nikola Dimitrov, who informed about the details of this Agenda.

“Europe at Home” is a list of deadlines with set activities and those who will implement these activities and who are supposed to complete their obligations in a strictly determined deadline in order to promote the institutions and the systems. By doing so, the citizens will receive better services and better quality of life, and once again we shall prove that North Macedonia deserves a place within the EU and that it naturally belongs in the European family of nations,” stressed Prime Minister Zaev.

Regarding the postponement of the first Intergovernmental conference for the official start of accession negotiations, Zaev stressed that the Government has shown the audacity to meet the challenges, and the issue with Bulgaria is going to be overcome with political and diplomatic efforts.

The focus of the Agenda was put on election reforms, judiciary, the fight against corruption and organized crime, basic human rights, reforms in the media sphere, economic governance, and the public administration reform. Because of the importance of the living environment and climate change, not only within a national context but also in accordance with the EU’s Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, priority goals and activities in this area were also included.

“With the judicial institutions, we are heading toward total implementation of the legal framework and strengthening the judiciary capacities. The first steps that the agenda envisions are  adoption of sublegal acts for the efficient application of the Law on Public Prosecution, strengthening the human and financial resource of the Council for Public Prosecutors, adoption of a regular practice of transparent and argumentative decisions for the election and promotion of judges and public prosecutors, transparent evidence for procedures for unprofessional and unprincipled performance of judicial and public prosecutor’s functions and disciplinary responsibility,” stressed Zaev, who also said that in the fight against corruption the deadlines for equipping and digitalization of the research centers in all competent institutions have been determined.

According to Deputy Prime Minister Dimitrov: “What is important in the creation of every strategy are the mechanisms for control of the implementation. The document we have provides a clear picture, not only of all the tasks that are set in our Reform Plan and that we have an obligation to meet, but it also delegates authorizations and responsibility.”

Dimitrov also stressed that we shall never turn our backs on the europeization, the rule of law and the uncompromising fight against corruption, respect and protection of the democratic principles and basic human rights, a strong economy, and free press.

“In order to be successful on this journey, we have to be well organized and coordinated,” said Dimitrov, stressing that SEP will be monitoring the implementation on a daily basis and will be informing the Government.

On basis of the collected data, reports will be prepared  in May, September, and December this year.