Greek Parliament votes for a second package of austerity measures; New blow to Syriza and Tsipras

The new priority measures for Greece have the adopted, however Alexis Tsipras did not get the support for his demands for a broader support of his party Syriza. In the marathon parliamentary discussion which finished with a vote at four in the morning, the measures were supported by 230 of 298 of the present MP’s; 63 voted against and five were neutral.

36 MP’s of the left were opposed to the measures despite the last call by Tsipras for all to take responsibility for the salvation of the country. That seemed to turn around three MP’s of the 39 who voted against in the last vote.

Against yet again was the Parliament’s President Zoe Konstantopoulou whose position is not secure and there are rumours that she will be asked to step down. Her future will be determined after she has a personal meeting with Tsipras today in his cabinet. To the surprises of many, the former finance minister Varoufakis voted for the measures despite being against them in the previous round.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras reiterated in the Parliament that the government is facing tough decisions and that a difficult compromise is required for the country to be saved from the looming collapse of its economy and banks. He admitted that mistakes have been made, but offered that he is not planning to give up on the responsibility which he took on to lead the country forward.