Dr. Karadzovski: If we aren’t disciplined, neither 500 doctors nor 20 more hospitals will be able to help us

If we don’t help ourselves, then neither 500 doctors nor 500 nurses or 20 more hospitals will help us. Therefore, we are asking everyone to help, the whole population. We urge them to adhere to the measures and we should do that for us, for our families. Otherwise, the hospitals will be overflooded with patients. Personnel rotations will be done, but the number of those people is limited, Dr. Žarko Karadžovski, the President of the Commission for Infectious Diseases, urged the citizens today. He, together with the Health Minister Venko Filipche gave statements for the media.

-When you are asking what can we expect, we say that we are expecting the situation to worsen with 400, 500, and even 1.000 cases on a daily basis. The problems are caused by groupings and not observing the wearing of a face mask rule. We know that the non-grouping, distancing, and wearing face masks are the basic preconditions to avoid any new cases. It is obvious that this measure is not being observed. Regarding the age, these are persons aged 29 -30 that went to a party, event, promotion or at pubs where the rules were avoided – said Karadžovski.

Minister Filicphe said that the modular hospital near the Clinic for Infectious Diseases clinic is ready to receive new patients if it is necessary.

-The number of new cases everywhere in the region is on the rise. One package with restrictions was already suggested to the government and certain legal changes will have to be made. We expect next week the Parliament to adopt the legal changes which will ban any groupings after 22 h, bans for home gatherings so that the inspectors can control and issue fines – said Filipche.

During today’s meeting of the members of the Commission for Infectious Diseases, there was a discussion about an additional package with measures that would be activated if necessary.