MKD Dimitriev did not sign off on Maksuti for Deputy Defense Minister position

Dimitriev did not sign off on Maksuti for Deputy Defense Minister position

The candidate for the position of Deputy Defense Minister, Bekim Maksuti, who is part of the list by the DUI party for new employees in government of their party, is not on the list of proposals for election of new ministers and deputy ministers, Prime Minister Emil Dimitriev has submitted to the President of Parliament, Trajko Veljanoski.

This can be seen in the official document submitted by the Government to Parliament, published on their official website, as material for today’s session.

Recent speculation is that DUI’s proposal for as Deputy Defense Minister is something the VMRO-DPMNE does not agree with. The reason for that being is that in 2012 he, along with the former Defense Minister, Fatmir Besimi, in the Macedonian army uniform, payed tribute to the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) monument in Slupchane.

Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanoski scheduled an afternoon session for Monday where MPs will have to vote in the new ministers proposed by the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI).

Yesterday Parliament took into considerations the resignations of the previous cabinet ministers from the DUI.