Greek polls: SYRIZA ahead of New Democracy

SYRIZA opposition is ahead of New Democracy in all new surveys of the Greek media. As the race between the Government and opposition tightens in the wake of 17th of December and the first voting for an Assembly President, Greek media are increasingly carrying out new surveys on the ratings of the parties in case presidential elections to fail and early parliamentary elections to be announced.

According to four new polls, this weekend SYRIZA would be at the top if elections are announced now, but most people still believe that Antonis Samaras would be more appropriate Prime Minister than Alexis Tsipras.

In three of the four surveys, Samaras is considered as better Prime Minister than Tsipras with advantage of 4, to as many as 12 percent.

Citizens are divided on the views of whether they want a President or early elections. Only 54 percent of respondents for “Proto Thema” and “Parapolitika” said they now prefer a president to be elected, and 37-40 percent of them would like early elections.

If early elections are announced tomorrow, it is expected the new party Potami to enter the Assembly, which ratings ranged from 4.1 to 6.8 percent, PASOK with a 4.3 to 6.7 percent, the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn with support of 4.1 to 5.9 percent and the Communist Party with 4.1 to 5.8 percent.