Everyone on vacation this summer, only Gruevski and Zaev in a courtroom on the trial of the century?

Lawyer Angele Ilievski, defender of the first suspect in the case “Puch” Zoran Verushevski, in his statement for META denies the information conveyed by part of the media that the indictment against the suspects will be ready in a week.

– The indictment cannot be ready in a week because we have a deadline of 15 days in which we will submit a proposal for gathering new evidence. Additionally, public prosecutor should state whether they will gather the evidence or we, and there is also the period in which institutions submitting the materials should respond and it can last up to 30 days – said Ilievski.

According to the lawyer, it is difficult to predict when the trial would begin after the adoption of the indictment.

– It depends on several conditions and cannot be predicted. The most important here is the speed and efficiency of the public prosecutor and how professionally he wants to do the job – added the lawyer.

However, given the rapidity with which the prosecution led the investigation, which, unlike some other cases, was completed in about two months, it is possible the trial for “Puch”, in which one of the suspects is also opposition leader Zoran Zaev, to begin this summer.

If this prediction comes true, the question is how the trial would be affected by the annual holidays of judges, which lasts from 15th of July to 15th of August.

Still, the holiday of judges does not mean complete closure of the courts in that period. The courts of first instance perform necessary work, and some of those who have not suffered a temporary halt, are criminal cases in which the defendant is in custody or items of people who do not live in the country.

In the period from 15th of July 15 to 15th of August, judges will be able to take their vacations. The period for charging the batteries, i.e. the right to use the vacation for judges is 26 days. Of course, this does not mean that courts around the country will be closed.

According to the Code of Criminal Procedure (CCP), after the preparation of the indictment, there is a deadline of eight days in which the defense may appeal the charges. Its grounds are assessed by a judge or council for reviewing the indictment when it comes to serious crime which is punishable with imprisonment of more than 10 years. The judge or council may schedule a hearing and assessment of the indictment within 15 days at the latest after the deadline for appeal. In case the suspect admits the crime and seeks an agreement with the public prosecutor, hearing is postponed and a new one is scheduled within 15 days. If there is no complaint and indictment is based, the charge is processed to the competent court.

Court should schedule the trial within 30 days of the receipt of the charge, and when organized crime is concerned, such as the suspects in “Puch” are accused of, the main hearing is scheduled within 60 days of receipt of the indictment in the court.