North Macedonia PM Zaev didn’t accept resignations of Filipche and Hasani after COVID hospital blaze

Фото: Влада на РСМ

Zoran Zaev, the Prime minister of North Macedonia, in a press conference yesterday announced that he will not accept the resignations of the Health Minister Venko Filipche and the Deputy Health Minister Ilir Hasani about the fire at the modular COVID hospital in Tetovo that claimed the lives of 14 people.

“Regarding the рesignations offered by Health Minister Venko Filipche and Deputy Health Minister Ilir Hasani, I have carefully read the findings of the investigators about the causes of the accident at the Tetovo modular hospital. As was publicly announced, the forensic investigation determined that the fire was caused by short circuit in an electric cord. On basis of this and previously received information, I want to notify the public, that there are no reasons for locating political or managerial responsibility by Minister Dr. Filipche and his Deputy Dr. Ilir Hasani,” Zaev said.

This decision arrives after the Basic Public Prosecution announced yesterday that the cause of the fire was the overheating of the extension cord by the the plugged-in defibrillator. After the short-circuit, the fire spread to the outlet box of the extension cord, where apart from the defibrillator, a mobile phone charger and another device were connected, for which no additional information was provided in the Prosecution’s press release.