Removing the palm trees in Ohrid, by the recommendations of UNESCO, has started

One of the recommendations from the report we received from UNESCO, that will be reviewed on the 43rd commission for Cultural heritage next month in Baku, was carefully preserving the authenticity and integrity of the archaeological and urbanistic sites of Ohrid. From UNSECO they recommend avoiding the use of forms and materials that are not characteristic for the region or its flora, as well as avoiding the use of billboards that disrupt the scenery of the city.

Several years ago, more than 200 palm trees in the city-on the east coast of the lake, were planted. This realization was made through the campaign of the former Government of Nikola Gruevski for planting palm trees (in cooperation with public enterprise “Makedonski Sumi”). A large number of these trees dried out even though they were protected with special cloths.

Today the removal of palm trees has begun.

Estimations are that for all the 1.100 palm trees procured in Macedonia, the Government deposited around 522.000 euros, hence one palm costed around 500 euros.

In other respects, the Draft report on Strategic Environmental Assessment from the implementation of the Plan for natural and cultural heritage management in the Ohrid region scheduled for June 27, 2019 has been delayed, said from the Ministry of Environment.Regardless of the fact that this meeting means early involvement of the public in the preparation of the document, it is necessary to enhance the Draft Plan.

The informative session is being  organized in accordance with the recommendations of the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee (ACCC) and Article 6 of the Aarhus Convention for Early Involvement of the Public in the Process of Decision-making on the Plan for Management of the World Natural and Cultural Heritage in the Ohrid Region, which aim is to introduce the public with the process, the data and documents being used.