Gruevski answered the International Community through Twitter using an old speech

The ruling party VMRO-DPMNE, Prime Minister and party leader Nikola Gruevski, have not made an official response to the statement from the Ambassadors, but their position was directly put through Twitter on Nikola Gruevski’s profile

A few hours after the Ambassadors gave their statement in which they urged political parties to stick to their commitments under the Przhino Agreement, and emphasized the part concerning VMRO-DPMNE, on Gruevski’s Twitter Account he tweeted the sentence, “Macedonian people decide over its future “(in English), taken from his speech from October the 23rd , on the occasion of the Day of VMRO. (The Day of Revolutionary Struggle)

On the tweet of the English version is attached parts of the one and a half hour speech Gruevski gave on the 23rd of October, where he called the political crisis a “battle that will be decided at the elections on April the 24th,” and the people will decide the outcome, not the foreigners.

“The people will say who they support and trust. No foreigner or anyone with a magic wand will solve our problems. We will. Together with the people. This is our country. This is our homeland. This the Republic of Macedonia and we must persevere and respond fiercely to all challenges we are faced. That is my message on this day.”

This part of his speech which Gruevski tweeted on his profile is his response and the attitude of VMRO-DPMNE and the Government to the statement of the Ambassadors.

In addition, the Director for Centre of Communications in VMRO-DPMNE, Ivo Kotevski yesterday told “Meta” in a statement that the ruling party stand by their views and would not comment on the Ambassador’s joint statement.

“I will not comment on the statement made by the Ambassadors. The views of the VMRO-DPMNE have been clearly repeated and have been said before. The ultimate goal is for citizens in April to cast their vote for the type of politics they support”, said Ivo Kotevski.