SDSM: Gruevski was caught with his hand in the voting box and is ready to do anything now

A government that is stable can only be achieved in a fair and regular election where the voters can express their will without feeling threatened or enticed, was the reaction by the SDSM following a proposal by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski who said the party that wins the coming elections should get 17 more seats in the Assembly.

“Nikola Gruevski needs to admit to the people why he is afraid of the request that has the support of the SDSM and the other political parties, that Macedonia should be one electoral unit. Maybe this will destroy his scheme of stealing votes. Gruevski is ready to invent anything now because he was caught with his hand inside the voting box. His announcement today is the one of a deal-oriented politician such as himself, who is desperate and is target of public ridicule,” says in the reaction of the SDSM. The party is demanding in the Przhino Agreement talks that the country should become a single electoral unit.