Human Rights Watch: Macedonia must prevent the use of violence against migrants by the police

The government of Macedonia needs to put a stop to the violence by the police against the emigrants who are on the south border, says in an announcement by Human Rights Watch (HRW).

The organization is calling on the government to reconsider yesterday’s use of stun grenades, tear gas and rubber bullets, one day after the declaration of an emergency situation resulted in closing of the border. From the HRW they also call on those who are responsible for the use of disproportionate force, including those who are high in the chain of command, to face consequences.

-These are serious charges for use of disproportionate force by the Macedonian police and shooting at people who are seeking protection. The government of Macedonia needs to protect the migrants, including children and those who have escaped war and persecution. The government shouldn’t enable the police to open fire at these people- said Emina Cherimovik, research fellow at HRW.

The reaction of the HRW comes after the reports, photos and videos made by local humanitarian organizations and by Doctors Without Borders, in which is seen how the Macedonian police is firing rubber bullets, tear gas and stun grenades at 3000 migrants who tried to cross the Macedonian border from the border zone between Greece and Macedonia.

Representatives of Doctors Without Borders and Human Rights Watch reported that their personnel gave aid to 10 people who were injured by grenades and rubber bullets.