Increase of salaries in MOI will cost us four million euros

More than 10,000 employees in the Ministry of Interior (MOI) will be included in the measure to align the salaries of police officers and authorized officials with those of officials of the Customs, Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska today informed about the measure announced on Sunday’s gathering in Shtip by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski.
– In cooperation with the Macedonian police union, we working on a strategy to align the basic salary in MOI with a basic salary with similar services from public administration and thus achieved an agreement aligning to be done with wages in the Customs. For this purpose, in order to finance this increase in wages, the Government provides almost additional 250 million denars. They are needed for payment of salaries to the end of the year – said Jankuloska.
According to the Minister, the employees covered by the measure, the April salary, which they will receive at the beginning of May, will be about 5 percent higher than the previous. The process will continue until the end of 2017, when, as Jankuloska said, harmonization of the salaries of officials in the Ministry of Interior with those of employees in Customs will be achieved.
Asked whether the money projected for the increase of salaries are provided in the budget, Jankuloska didn’t give a specific answer.
– These funds are provided by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia – answer the Minister in short.
President of the Macedonian police union Tihomir Klimovski expressed satisfaction with the adopted measure and, as he said, the correction of an ongoing historical injustice.