Meeting has finally begun over the electoral legislative agreement

The meeting between working groups, finally began between all signatories to the Przhino Agreement. Discussions over the Diaspora vote, and the responsibilities of the State Election Commission (SEC) should be decided.
At the meeting attended Ilija Dimovski and Silvana Boneva from VMRO-DPMNE, Damian Manchevski and Cvetanka Ilieva from SDSM, Artan Grubi and Fatmir Besimi from DUI, Bekim Fazliu and Imer Aliu from DPA, with the exception of Belgian facilitator Peter Vanhoutte.

A joint meeting will follow after the bilateral agreements of the parties with Mr Vanhoutte later during the day.
Negotiators did not make any statements when entering the MP’s Clubhouse
After a three day break this is the first meeting of the working groups of the parties signatory to the Przhino Agreement.

Facilitator Mr Vanhoutte at the meeting should submit a draft proposal of the electoral law.
“Meta” learned that the only matter agreed upon is how members of the State Election Commission will be selected, while the controversial issue of the Diaspora vote is yet to be decided. The resolution of this issue will depend on the manner of voting in the next parliamentary elections , whether it will be in majority or proportional model.
After last night’s interview with Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski on TV “Sitel” it is not yet known whether VMRO-DPMNE will abandon the Diaspora vote in the next parliamentary elections. Gruevski said it was not fair to set conditions with a quota for voters living abroad who travel longer distances to vote.
SDSM is still for the Diaspora to vote, but wants their vote to be equal to citizens living in Macedonia.