Zaev: Relationship UBK – media was direct

SDSM leader Zoran Zaev today announced the fourth “bomb”, audio recordings of tapped conversations.

According to him, these conversations demonstrate the direct relationship between UBK and the media.

Zaev said that more than 100 journalists of pro-government and critical media were tapped, but that especially were followed journalists who followed the events related to the events of 24th of December 2012.

The first audio recording that Zaev announced today is a conversation between Gordana Jankulovska and Martin Protugjer, i.e. how they agree on a certain program on television.

They negotiate which reporter from TV “Sitel” would be eligible to report on the particular event and the choice falls to Slavica Arsovska – Caci, who, according Jankulovska, “works and understands MOI.”

The second audio recording that was released by Zaev is a conversation between the Minister of Culture Elizabeta Kancheska-Mileska and the editor of the news program of “Sitel” Dragan Pavlovik-Latas.

Latas suggests Kancheska-Mileska not to exaggerate because the Prime Minister has a lot of orders.

The third conversation announced by Zaev is, according to him, between Jankulovska and the Interior Ministry spokesman Ivo Koteski and on the recording is heard how they agree on an program on MTV.

– He will not do, because he will be fired if he does – says Jankulovska in the conversation.

SDSM leader Zaev released an audio recording of a conversation between Latas and director of UBK Sasho Mijalkov, in which they talk about the owner of “A1”, Velija Ramkovski.

– I resolve Velija my way, and this is what you do. With two million euros support, I would form a television as well – can be heard on the recording.

The following audio recording that Zaev announced at the press conference was, according to him, a conversation between the director of MPM Srgjan Kerim and Minister of Interior Jankulovska and it refers to “taking care of the newspapers under his control.”

The last conversation is between Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and Minister of Transport and Communications Mile Janakieski for a debt regarding documentaries.

Zaev said that 100 journalists were followed, whose recordings will be given to them personally. He said that the recorded materials were marked “UBK”. Zaev also showed materials from UBK with activity analysis of journalists who critically followed the events of 24th of December 2012.

– The case of Nikola Mladenov was run as special. This file belongs to the family of Mladenov and will be submitted to them in the way they want – emphasized Zaev.

At the end of the press conference, Zaev answered several journalistic questions:

How do we know that the materials submitted to journalists are the only copies, that you have no other copies?

– There are other copies at Sasho Mijalkov. If you see redness in my eyes, it is from working till the morning. It is because of the seriousness, because of the non-intrusion in personal affairs of these conversations. I am one of those who received proof about Government’s insanity and what it did all these years. I sincerely hope that it won’t come to what is unacceptable for journalists, for me, for any of the government or any citizen.

Is there a warrant for wiretapping journalists or was it done without a warrant?

– It has been done without a warrant. A great many of these 100 journalists were followed for years, more than two years, three or four years, as is the case with Nikola Mladenov and several other journalists. There is no chance any court or other representative of the judicial institutions to provide such a decision. Even if he would, the law does not allow it.

While holding a press conference and publish the “bombs”, group of intellectuals around the country is organizing discussions for defense of Macedonia. How do you comment on this organized group that mostly meets members close to VMRO-DPMNE?

– We probably want to present that we are a democratic country and God forbid to be such a country, as our people deserve. As time goes by, these people will stop going because what we published so far is to prepare our people for what follows. I know that these people will one day be ashamed of their children.

Do you have evidence and recordings in connection with the death of Mladenov, on the day of death and afterwards?

– Everything evidence we have will be published. We promised it to citizens and we will publish all we have as evidence for a certain case.