Tags Novinari
Tag: novinari
Dezinformacije su stare koliko i čovečanstvo, mediji su danas preslabi da ih savladaju
Dezinformacije nisu ništa drugo osim laži, stare koliko i samo čovečanstvo. Samo što se u ovo novo doba tim lažima u vidu lažnih vesti plasiranim iz određenih centara moći i (zlo)upotrebom medija, pravi pokušaj da se nekome našteti ili da se zavede javnost u svoju korist. Mediji su se pretvorili u platformu za plasman takvih laži, a novinari su...
Koga sve može da iziritira makedonski premijer Zaev za jedan minut?
U vreme kada je makedonska javnost smatrala da će se u aferi ”Reket“ u kojoj se na videima objavljenim od italijanskih novina “La Verita” sugeriše na korupciju na visokom nivou za uticaj na tužitelje i sudije u koju je uključen jedan kontroverzni selebriti, čuti možda i glas premijera Zaeva, to se nije dogodilo, već je on sam sebi iskomplikovao situaciju.
Srđan Puhalo: U Republici Srpskoj dezinformacije dolaze preko javnih servisa
Srđan Puhalo je doktor psiholoških nauka. Njegovo polje interesovanja su istraživanja javnog mnjenja, socijalna i politička psihologija. Njegovo polje interesovanja su istraživanja javnog mnjenja, socijalna i politička psihologija. On je građanski aktivista, kritičar stanja u Bosni i Hercegovini, a osobito u Republici Srpskoj i redovni kolumnista/bloger portala „Frontal.ba“
"Meta.mk" je s Puhalom razgovarala o dezinformacijama i zloupotrebama medija u BiH,...
VMRO-DPMNE: The Violence was Deliberately Caused by SDSM
“SDSM did not react when several journalists were attacked by their or their coalition partners' activists. Unlike them, VMRO-DPMNE has the principle and the responsibility to denounce all attacks and regards such cases equally,” says in the reaction offered by VMRO-DPMNE to the press conference of SDSM spokesperson, Petre Shilegov.
“We want to reiterate that party leaders in SDSM...
CMD: Proceedings for defamation against journalists delayed
In the second quarter of 2015 (April to June), the Center for Media Development (CMD) followed 28 court cases through 52 hearings.
Since the adoption of the Law on civil liability for insult and defamation, in November 2012 until now, 54 cases of insult and defamation against journalists were completed, but the majority of verdicts are not yet final, i.e....
„Meta“ in Kumanovo: Shocking images from the conflict
„Meta“ News Agency reporter visited Kumanovo settlement Divo Naselje today. This suburb was the center of gunfights between police and terrorists during the weekend. Owners of the properties were in front of their homes, looking what was left.
Macedonia last on the Balkans in media freedom
Macedonia has the worst result on the Balkans in terms of media freedom, reported "Freedom House" in the latest report on media freedom.
"The new restrictive laws and violence against journalists contributed to the global decline in press freedom in 2014, bringing it to its lowest level in more than 10 years," reads the report.
The report reads that, in the...
Mijatovik: Urgent investigation for the wiretapping of journalists
Representative for media freedom at OSCE Dunja Mijatovik today called for an urgent investigation for the wiretapping of journalists in Macedonia, reports "Nova TV".
- Eavesdropping and surveillance of journalists is unacceptable. This further weakens the already fragile press freedom in the country - said Mijatovik.
She is informed that on 25th of February, several journalists received folders from the wiretaps.
AJM: Gruevski, Jankulovska and Mijalkov should resign
"We demand Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, Interior Minister Gordana Jankulovska and the Director of the Security and Intelligence Service Sasho Mijalkov to resign. Regardless of who ordered wiretapping, the authorities failed to protect us," responded the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM).
AJM reaction follows after the press conference of Zoran Zaev, on which the leader of the opposition...
Zaev: Relationship UBK – media was direct
SDSM leader Zoran Zaev today announced the fourth "bomb", audio recordings of tapped conversations.
According to him, these conversations demonstrate the direct relationship between UBK and the media.
Zaev said that more than 100 journalists of pro-government and critical media were tapped, but that especially were followed journalists who followed the events related to the events of 24th of December 2012.
European journalists reacted to Hahn’s statements on media freedom
The news industry has reacted strongly to the statements of EU Commissioner for accession negotiations, Johannes Hahn, given a few hours before his departure for Skopje, in which he expressed doubt about the rankings and methodology of "Reporters Without Borders" for freedom of media.
To a question from a reporter from Serbia on the state of press freedom in that...
SSNM: Attack in Paris is a barbaric act of violence
Through a statement, Independent Union of journalists and media workers (SSNM) expressed the shock and disgust of today, as they say, barbaric attack of the editorial office of the French satirical weekly “Charlie Hebdo”, in which 12 people were killed, of who 10 journalists, and expressed condolences to the families of the victims and the entire French public.
“SSNM agrees...
Police prevents Albanian Top Channel reporters to film a show for Gorna Reka
Reporting crew of Albanian media group Top Channel, composed of several persons, was stopped in Mavrovo for police control, under the excuse that they didn’t have permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to shoot videos in Macedonia, newspaper Lajm reports.
Reporters were held by police forces for an hour on the highway Vrben-Mavrovo for questioning and control, after which...