MKD Zaev-Shcherbak: SDSM is working to ensure a parliamentary majority to form a...

Zaev-Shcherbak: SDSM is working to ensure a parliamentary majority to form a stable government

The SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, met with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Macedonia, Oleg Shcherbak, where they discussed the need for a rapid resolution to the political crisis, so Macedonia can form a government quickly.

“SDSM is working to ensure a parliamentary majority to form a stable government, which will undertake all the necessary reforms to ensure a good future for the citizens of Macedonia”, said Zaev, announced the party.

Zaev said that SDSM is determined to resolve all issues of interest to citizens by respecting the Constitution and laws, as opposed to, as he said, the current practice of President Gjorge Ivanov and the outgoing government who turned the country into a hybrid regime.

“Democratic processes in Macedonia have begun. They are supported by 612,000 citizens from all ethnic communities, who chose the concept of community and chose for Macedonia to become a society for everyone. Just the concept of equal citizens, justice, quality of life for all, will ensure unity and a good future for Macedonia”, added Zaev.