MKD Zaev has not lost hope that Gruevski will be extradited

Zaev has not lost hope that Gruevski will be extradited

“I do not know what world certain people still live in, so I will ask President Ivanov. Where in the world does the executive power make arrests, or the government executive investigates, or the government executive prosecutes… ?! It is a matter for the prosecution and the judiciary,” said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev when asked to comment on a statement made by President Ivanov that “nothing is strange and he should be arrested”, given how the government has been acting lately.

After the public debate on the constitutional changes in Stip, Zaev commented on the neighbouring country’s statements related to language, the atmosphere in Greece, as well as Ivanov’s comments.

After EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn expressed skepticism that Nikola Gruevski would be delivered to Macedonia, the prime minister said he had not lost hope.

“I am continuing to make efforts as President of the Government together with the institutions, to seek his extradition, because that is the least we can expect from a friendly country, such as Hungary, an EU member state,” said Zaev.

During the debate, Prime Minister Zaev was asked by the citizens present to comment on statements made by two ministers in the Bulgarian government, Krasimir Karakachanov and Ekaterina Zaharieva.

Zaev believes that building trust with neighbouring Bulgaria should continue.

Professor Gjorgji Spasov says this is a reaction of Karakachanov, who is afraid that with Macedonia’s entry into the EU, he will remain without the money from the sale of Bulgarian passports.