MKD Zaev at the meeting with Yee: Everyone to support the democratic processes...

Zaev at the meeting with Yee: Everyone to support the democratic processes for a new government!

A support was given for the democratic processes in the Republic of Macedonia which after the credible elections have continued with the election of a new president of the Parliament from the ranks of the parliamentary majority, and will result in the election of a new government in Macedonia, said SDSM in its announcement. The announcement informed about the today’s meeting between the SDSM’s president Zoran Zaev, the deputy president Radmila Shekjerinska and the general secretary, Oliver Spasovski, with the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Hoyt Brian Yee and the US Ambassador in Macedonia, Jess Baily.

“The new president of the Parliament was elected legally and legitimately, in accordance with the Rulebook, the laws, and the Constitution. We are continuing to move the processes forward, wisely and with dedication, and in the forthcoming period, we shall start the process of forming the new reformatory government” Zaev has said, announced SDSM’s press release.

The party president announced in front of the US diplomats “that Gjorge Ivanov shall receive a notification from the new parliamentary president that there is a democratically formed parliamentary majority and shall request from the president of the state to act in accordance with the constitutional obligation to assign the mandate for forming the government.”

President Zaev has announced that the future government is ready to cooperate with the future opposition in the interest of the reformatory processes “but at the moment it is most important that VMRO – DPMNE to accept that it is an opposition party now and to stop the tensions”.