MKD VMRO-DPMNE wants the Journalists’ Associations to submit proposals for the Media Law

VMRO-DPMNE wants the Journalists’ Associations to submit proposals for the Media Law

VMRO-DPMNE’s called the AJM ( Association of Journalists of Macedonia) ,MAJ (Macedonian Association of Journalists), SSNM (Independent Union of Journalists and Media Workers), Agency for Media and Sports, Cultural, Religious and other organizations affected by this media law to submit their own proposal to pass them on to the party, and they shall be printed onto notes and put on the table at the MP Clubhouse before the other stakeholders of the Pzhino Agreement.
According to Ilija Dimovski, a member of the working group for VMRO-DPMNE, the law will not be accepted that will be introduce heavy fines for the media and it will mean censorship to them.

“We informed all parties that we do not intend to accept the media law without other factors who are affected by this issue. Also, we do not agree with the proposal of the Belgian facilitator Peter Vanhoutte whose provisions do not exist in any European law”, said Mr Ilija Dimovski.

For Robert Popovski, the negotiator for the media talks from the SDSM,  the  VMRO-DPMNE proposal is acceptable, but believe  it should have been done by the ruling party party two or three weeks ago.

“Because even today for the VMRO-DPMNE, to offer this initiative, we think it is happening because of the delay in the agreement that should be reached on the media soon. VMRO-DPMNE last week rejected our proposal for journalist Associations to participate in the negotiations of the working groups”, said Mr Robert Popovski.
Asked what he thought as a former journalist about Zoran Zaev’s statement, which was listed as the biggest enemy of national television, he did not answer directly but said the poor state of the media has increased during the reign of VMRO-DPMNE.

Commenting on yesterday’s statement by the President of the AJM Naser Selmani, condemning SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, which was broadcasted on national television, he said that this association must make political qualifications because it is not within the scope of its work.
Ilija Dimovski was asked whether the critically minded media are enemies of the party, he said that his party has no enemies, but as an enemy not experiencing any SDSM. According to him, the opposition should have learned by now and all these years requires you do not make enemies, but political opponents, and to be considered as competitive.
Today at noon, after a one day break, the MPs Clubhouse carried on as necessary with negotiations about problems in the media.