MKD VMRO-DPMNE: Spasovski proved he is uncapable as a Minister, but part of...

VMRO-DPMNE: Spasovski proved he is uncapable as a Minister, but part of the “Affair Factory”

The ruling party VMRO-DPMNE are requesting that Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski file criminal charges against those responsible from the German company that manufactured and delivered the forms for the driving licenses, was the party’s reaction in their statement to Minister Oliver Spasovski press conference, who stated he had found 70,000 duplicate forms of driving licenses in a warehouse at the Ministry of Interior.

“VMRO-DPMNE encourages the technical appointed Interior Minister Oliver Spasovsi, to conduct the investigation all the way and as soon as possible explain to the Macedonian and German public why a German company decided to prepare a second set of blank forms for driving licenses with the same serial numbers. We expect Oliver Spasovski to come forward as soon as possible to answer who gave the order to the German company to design a second set of forms for driving licenses with the same serial numbers on the form as the previous ones shipped to Macedonia. Oliver Spasovski today once again proved how incompetent he is. He embarrassed himself and the party he represents. Oliver Spasovski reaffirmed and proved he is not cut out to be the Interior Minister, he is just part of the factory for producing affairs by the SDSM”, said a statement from VMRO-DPMNE.