MKD VMRO-DPMNE: SDSM carries out Soros’s scenarios

VMRO-DPMNE: SDSM carries out Soros’s scenarios

Organizations funded by Soros, are in fact “organizations which are paid to incite violent so-called revolutions”, reads a statement by VMRO-DPMNE.

It adds that Soros in Macedonia has allocated hundreds of millions of euros to “satellite organizations” that manages them.

“Through them, the mercenary revolution was funded, where police were attacked and buildings were destroyed. SDSM carries out Soros’s scenarios, and they are their financiers. Now we are witnessing a new bid of 9.5 million euros to be distributed from Soros’s bank account and to SDSM in Macedonia. Every attempt, these funds are being used to undermine our constitutional and legal system. The people will oppose the bullies from SDSM and Soros if they attempt to realize their destructive scenario”, the statement added.

VMRO-DPMNE said that “desorosization is inevitable, democracy and civil society have been usurped and are being held hostage and it must stop immediately.”