MKD VMRO-DPMNE’s extraordinary congress will take place on the 23rd of December

VMRO-DPMNE’s extraordinary congress will take place on the 23rd of December

VMRO-DPMNE’s extraordinary party congress where the resignation of party leader Nikola Gruevski will be discussed will take place on the 23rd of December.

“In accordance with the party’s status, VMRO-DPMNE’s Executive Committee has decided to propose the Central Committee on its next session to start a procedure for organizing an extraordinary party congress on the 23rd of December” informs the party.

Soon after the march in front of the government ended yesterday, VMRO-DPMNE held a session of the Executive Committee where its members condemned “the politically motivated charges for terrorism and the unfounded detentions that were set to party members, artists, actors and persons related to events on the 27th of April.”

“The misuse of state institutions that are under political pressure of the government have stormed people’s homes and handcuffed MPs is an act of terror and stepping over the democracy.The Executive Committee concluded that this madness on part of SDS is pushing the country in a deeper crisis and therefore steps must be taken that will put an end to political prosecutions and revanchism” said VMRO-DPMNE.

„Злоупотребата на државните институции кои под политички притисок на власта упаѓаа во домови и ставаа лисици на пратеници е акт на терор и газење на демократијата. Извршниот комитет заклучи дека ваквото безумие од страна на СДС ја турка државата во уште подлабока криза и затоа мора да се преземат чекори со кои ќе се стави крај на политичкиот прогон и на политичкиот реваншизам“, велат од ВМРО-ДПМНЕ.