MKD VMRO-DPMNE: Bringing a flag from a foreign country into the cabinet which...

VMRO-DPMNE: Bringing a flag from a foreign country into the cabinet which belongs to the Speaker is a shameful act

“The blackmailed criminal Zoran Zaev, stepped all over the Macedonian Constitution and declared the Macedonian citizens terrorists, to secure support and to bring the flag of the Republic of Albania into the cabinet which belongs to the Parliament Speaker”, said VMRO-DPMNE’s regular morning press release.

The statements adds that the “blackmailed criminal” Zoran Zaev insulted the Macedonian people when he supported the Albanian anthem being sung from the parliamentary rostrum.

“Bringing a flag from a foreign country into the cabinet which belongs to the Parliament Speaker is shameful and an dishonourable act, but what is more shameful and more dishonourable is the silence from Zoran Zaev, who does not dare tell Talat Xhaferi if he does not remove the flag, SDS will find a replacement for him”, reads the statement.

VMRO-DPMNE say that SDSM are persecuting innocent people out of anger.

“The only sin of these people is that they’re defending state and national interests and they opposed the implementation of the Tirana platform. SDS should be held accountable criminally, morally and politically, and most importantly, they should be held accountable before the people’s court, from which they persistently escape”, the statement added.