MKD VMRO-DPME: Panic increases among organizations under the control of SDSM and Soros

VMRO-DPME: Panic increases among organizations under the control of SDSM and Soros

“As more and more details have surfaced about the ways in which the network of organizations under the control of SDSM and Soros is corrupting the non-government sector, the more the panic increases among their ranks,” said today’s press release by VMRO-DPMNE.

“These days, like many times before, we are witnessing again how these so called civil organizations are trying again to present themselves as authentic and free minded representatives of the civil sector even though the documents that have appeared from their clandestine communication once again confirm what the general public already knows – neither are they authentic or are free-minded but are servants of SDSM and Soros’ political interests, said the press release.

The party has said that these organization “that Soros and his political partner SDSM are activated by a knob depending on the needs of the abolished criminal Zoran Zaev and his criminal gang, are not representatives of the citizens of Republic of Macedonia.”

“These organizations that produce characters lie Vlade Milčin, Pavle Bogoevski, Ivana Tufegdžikj, Lidija Dimova and others, do not represent the true civil society in Macedonia. They represent only a cast of citizens that have decided to sell smoke to people that they are non-government organizations but are only puppets to SDSM, their MP lists or the executive parts of the party. They aren’t interested in civil rights and freedoms, or the country’s prosperity. They are interested about that as means for manipulating the public in order to fill their pockets with cash” said VMRO-DPMNE.