Main Section No negotiations this weekend, Vanhoutte in Brussels for further consulations

No negotiations this weekend, Vanhoutte in Brussels for further consulations

With no actual movement or progress completed yesterday and despite the individual efforts of the Belgian facilitator Peter Vanhoutte to move closer to coming to an agreement with the parties signatory to the Przhino Agreement over the credentials of the oppositions ministers, reported “24 News”.

There will be no negotiations this weekend, as Mr Vanhoutte is in Brussels for further consultations.

Negotiations among the parties evolved around the working groups insisting that the new Ministers and Deputy Ministers have authority, and should be appointed in the Provisional Government. Also, the Assistant Prosecutors to be appointed for the Special Public Prosecutor, Katica Janeva.

SDSM claims that the Minister of Interior should have the same authority as any other Minister, whereas VMRO-DPMNE believes that the he should only be a technical person in the Ministry.

Swords were drawn when interests collided over the responsibilities over the Deputy Ministers. For the Government, Deputies should have a veto on all decisions of a Minister, while according to the opposition, the veto should only be used for issued related to the elections.

Special Public Prosecutor, Katica Janeva still has not got her whole team together, even when she put forward a proposal to the Council of Public Prosecutors, they only approved 7 out of the proposed 14.

Yesterday, MPs of two parliamentary committees, the Finance and Budget and Legislative Committee approved the money Ms Janeva requested, to be able to work until the end of the year. On the second day of November, the new Special Public Prosecutor officially should start to work.