MKD Trajkovski: Janeva presented accusations and manipulation over the “Cosmos” case without...

Trajkovski: Janeva presented accusations and manipulation over the “Cosmos” case without any evidence

Katica Janeva’s shameful and unprofessional manner, concerning this case, decided to ignore dozens of reports from experts and court rulings in favour of the Municipality of Gazi Baba, which clearly argued that Fijat Canovski’s building complex “Cosmos” was an illegal construction, said the Mayor of Gazi Baba, Toni Trajkovski, at a press conference.

According to Trajkovski, when Special Public Prosecutor Katica Janeva, publicly presented her accusations and manipulations a month and a half ago without any evidence of the illegal construction of the “Cosmos” complex, she tainted his reputation.

“Without any evidence, this is clearly a political accusation and construction that any lawyer would be ashamed of. Katica Janeva hid all the facts and arguments and openly takes the view that some illegal constructions must be treated differently than others. This has been selectivity conducted on the orders of Zoran Zaev. Despite all the material we submitted to the SPO, Katica Janeva, however, still held a press conference and decided to taint the reputations of my colleagues and me through lies and slander”, said Trajkovski.

Regarding the request by the SPO for precautionary measures, he also says he does not intend on going anywhere , especially when he is sure that the truth is on his side.