Today at 18:00, new protests against Ivanov’s decision

The protest against the decision of the President of Macedonia, Gjorge Ivanov, to pardon all politicians who have investigations or judicial proceedings against them, continues today at 18:00 and is scheduled outside the premises of the Special Prosecution Office.

In the announcement on “Facebook” it states:


“We will continue to assemble peacefully to support the SPP today at 18.00 and we invite all female and male citizens to join us. We will gather in front of the SPP, and we will continue to march to the Ministry of Injustice and the National Office of the Non-President. The protest will end in front of Parliament who voted in the SPP, with the support of all the parliamentary parties. The abolition of criminal politicians and the abolition of SPP will not pass! “


The protest in front of the VMRO-DPMNE yesterday was mostly peaceful, except for some pushing between protesters and police.

The protest near the headquarters of SDSM also ended peacefully.