The Vatican recognizes the miracles of Mother Teresa

Pope Francis signed the decision on the recognition of miracles attributed to her Mother Theresa, and which is necessary for it to be declared a saint, announced the Vatican.

As reported by “Avenire,” the official newspaper of the Italian Catholic Bishops Conference on its website, the Pope yesterday afternoon confirmed his decision.

Italian media have speculated that the canonization of Mother Teresa will be declared in the first week of September next year. Canonization is what makes one a saint, after death.

Mother Teresa, who died in 1997, at the age of 87, received beatification from the late Pope John Paul II in 2003.

Beatification, is when the the pope declares the recognition of a miracle, and is the last step before being recognised as a saint.

“Avenire” said the second miracle attributed to Mother Teresa, and deserves canonization for the unexplained healing of a man who had suffered a fatal disease of the brain.

Mother Teresa was born in Macedonia in 1910. She is the founder of the order Missionaries of Charity, who helped the people who lived in the poorest streets of the Indian city of Calcutta.
In 1979, she won the Nobel Peace Prize.