Referendum campaign finishes today at midnight and election silence begins

The public propaganda regrading the referendum that will take place on Sunday ends this evening at midnight. Until then, all of the activities of the parties that are taking part in should end and the pre-voting silence starts at midnight.

The Coalition “Come Out FOR a European Macedonia” will have its final rally in Tetovo, while the Besa Movement in Skopje’s municipality of Chair, and The Alliance of the Albanians have announced several press conferences. A press conference was announced by a coordinative body against the referendum at the World Macedonian Congress which is calling out for a boycott of the referendum.

The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services announced that the “Your view is your right” campaign led by the State Election Commission, as a campaign of public interest doesn’t fall in the public propaganda related to the referendum and can be broadcast on Friday an Saturday even though the election silence will start before the referendum.

-We inform you that AVMU has issued an announcement to all broadcasters that will stress that the educational and informative media campaign “Your view is your right” by SEC is not part of the paid public referendum campaign and for those reasons it can be broadcast on the days when the referendum is takes place, said AVMU’s reply to SEC’s request.

According to the SEC, the pre-referendum silence starts 48 hours before the referendum’s begins.