The number of counterfeit banknotes in North Macedonia is on the rise

Фото; НБРМ

There is a significant increase of discovered counterfeit denar banknotes confirmed the National Bank of North Macedonia in its annual report for 2019. Out of 434 suspicious banknotes denominated in denars, during an investigation last year, it was determined that 73 were original while 361 copies were counterfeit banknotes. The number of counterfeit banknotes during 2019 is higher by 57% compared to 2018.

Out of the total number of discovered counterfeit banknotes in 2019, the most common is the value of 500 denars banknote (229 copies) or 63.4% of total number of counterfeits and is followed by the 100 denars banknote (82 copies) or 22.7% out of the total number of counterfeit banknotes and the 1000 denars banknote (37) or 10.3% of the total number of counterfeits.