Main Section The long and thorny road to the amendment of the Constitution (infographic)

The long and thorny road to the amendment of the Constitution (infographic)

Changing the Constitution through constitutional amendments is not an easy or simple process. The proposer of the amendments, in this case the Government, needs a two-thirds majority in two instances. Once at the opening of the Constitution and then at the closing of the Constitution, in a procedure that lasts for several months.

According to the Constitution, the decision for initiating constitutional changes is made by the Parliament with a two-thirds majority of the total number of MPs. The draft for the amendment of the Constitution is determined by the Parliament with a majority of the votes of the total number of representatives and then it offers it for public discussion. The decision to amend the Constitution then is adopted by the Parliament with a two-thirds majority vote of the total number of Representatives. At the end, the Parliament proclaims the Constitutional amendments.